Sunday, October 31, 2010


Actually, it's Poudre, but that's how you pronounce it. (Ok. I admit. I'm completely immature. It makes me laugh. Why? Because it has "poo" in it.)

Went for a morning hike in the Poudre Canyon. It was good to get a little exercise in fresh mountain air. The weather was perfect - breezy and warm. There were several others out hiking, as well, including a group of 4 with as many dogs, all who had little bells on them. (If you're a hiker, you'll know why they put bells on the dogs, but I couldn't help but think of Santa Clause....which then made me think of Buddy the Elf, which then made me think of my friend Dale, who is Buddy the Elf incarnate. Dale would have liked this hike, especially because these little dogs all had bells on them. The whole scenario made me smile. That's just how my mind works.)

I was made for wide open spaces.

** The pictures were taken with my cell phone, and don't do the landscape any justice. Still not bad, eh? 

1 comment:

A Conservative Unclogged Blog said...

Yeah, not bad at must just really stink to live there...HA!

Poooooooder? I must be really immature too. Because it made me laugh! Do you know how long this will be bouncing around in my brain? Long enough....Pooooooooder poooooooder

I haven't grown up yet, I am still 5 years old