Monday, November 1, 2010

Listen... do you smell something?

I bought a new shampoo this weekend. I like the way it smells.

Smell is a big deal for me. I have an incredibly sensitive olfaction. (This would explain the highly evolved gag reflex during pregnancy.... The thing of great entertainment for all who witness it.) I hate smelling anything on me. Even if I initially love it, at some point it will cause a headache and I end up doing whatever necessary to wash it off of me. So, it's really nice when I find something (shampoo, lotion, perfume, whatever) that I either can't smell on me at all (because it blends perfectly with my chemistry), or that I enjoy from the moment it's on me until... the end of the day.

This shampoo is one of those smells. I actually pull my hair over my face so I can smell it. I wouldn't do that when anyone is looking, though. And if asked, I would deny it. Cuz that's just crazy.

Side note: I've decided to grow my hair out again. Now that the babes are less interested in pulling the ever-living crap out of it, I think it's safe to let it grow again... That is, if my retarded thyroid lets me.

Funny, I don't have this problem with smells that are not attached to me. Like... a man's cologne, flowers, scented candles, bleach (yes, I like that clean, sterile smell), steaks on the grill... stuff like that.

Although there are smells that I don't care for at all. Like... cheap perfume/cologne (or too much of even the expensive stuff), asparagus pee, dead things, skunk, poop, vomit, or almost any bodily fluids or functions. 

Um.. that took a different turn. Sorry about that.

I don't like the smell of dirty dogs. Why people don't wash their freakin' dogs, especially when they are indoor dogs, is beyond me. Why would you want something in your house smelling like that? On your furniture? On your lap? Ick. I hate getting all chummy with a pooch and then smelling like stank-dog. So... I wash my hands, and then, wouldn't ya know it, the damn dog wants more pets. F.  Why does this happen? If the dog was clean to begin with, this would not be an issue. I hate smelly dogs. Correction. I love dogs. I just don't like their stinkiness.

I hate the smell of cat pee. Especially if someone's house smells like that. Gross. (Case in point: The House of Flowers. Scott, Brian and Shawn can elaborate.)

I'm not a fan of the smell of stale pond water. Rancid nastiness.

Or... musty clothes. Ever left wet clothes in the washer for too long? I don't like that.

Miller High Life is probably one of the most unappealing beer smells ever. It's a cross between skunk and vomit. Like skunk vomit. Yuck.

Ironically, Corona also smells like skunk, but if you squeeze a hefty lime wedge in it (which it should have anyway), it doesn't smell like that at all. And it's delicious. Bonus.

However, I do love the smell of fresh cut grass, pine trees in the mountains and burning logs in the fireplace.

I also really like the smell of my new shampoo.

UPDATE:  I also love the smell of coconut. It always reminds me of the beach... And then I get whisked away in my mind to a happy, warm, sandy place where I fit into my teeny bikini with hardly any suntan lines, the warmth of the sun on my tummy, the sound of waves crashing into the shore, and a tall, dark, handsome native offering me a mai-tai in a thick Jamaican accent. Just sayin'.....

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