Saturday, January 23, 2010
Our home
Friday, January 22, 2010
The period at the end of this week
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My main men
This is just one of the things that makes me very happy. I absolutely love to see my two favorite men in the whole world snuggle up in the morning. The irony of this is that while they seemingly are alike, you couldn't find two more different personalities. My little Picklebean is the spitting image of his daddy. Same beautiful blue eyes. Same fat heels. Same skinny legs. Same rockin' abs. (Ok... this is a stretch.) Same kissable lips. Same smile that lights up my world.
And yet, they are nothing alike in terms of their personalities. Jeffrey actually is just like me. This is Scott's worst nightmare. Two of us. In the same house. He calls this "The Battle of the Wills". (Sadly, I use this to my advantage quite a bit, and I've had to really pray against manipulating Jeffrey. Cuz, see, I know what makes him tick cuz I've had 37 years of practice on myself.)
Scott is so NOT a morning person. He's tried to be... I give him a very strong B for effort. But the truth is, Scott will NEVER be a morning person. No matter how hard he tries, it just ain't gonna happen. Jeffrey, on the other hand, is the quintessential morning person. He is ridiculously happy from the second he even thinks of opening his eyes. It's precious. There are few things more lovely than seeing my babies' smiles first thing in the morning. It can even make a grumpy daddy smile at the crack of dawn. THAT is a pretty big accomplishment!
And yet here they are. So alike and so different. I loves these two to pieces.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The age old debate...
And this is why I love Twinkie.... I found this message in my inbox this morning. I had to post it here just to continue the debate.
"...And while it is dark and gloomy outside, and lonely inside, and with my pain and opium and sleep deprived brain, that I’ve been taking the time to read all your postings on your website.
With every post of yours that I read, so many things come to light about who you are and what you’re hoping to achieve in this world. And, with each one of your posts, I realize just how different you and I are. Here are a few examples:
You are deeply religious and have such heart felt beliefs in your faith – I am not religious and have little faith in anything.
You continually strive to be a better person – I am one who feels that if someone doesn’t like me, that’s their problem.
I am a FemiNazi – you are so not that way.
I tend to find fault with everything and everyone – you strive to find the goodness in everyone and everything.
I have a temper with a very short fuse – you are calm and understanding.
You have a fun loving wit – my humor tends to be more on the cutting side of things.
You tend to overlook (and accept) the vast differences of opinions of those around you – I tend to feel people who don’t share my opinions are ignorant.
You are a very fun loving person – I am a (too) serious person.
You are a Republican – I am a Democrat.
You’re a Bears fan, I’m a Favre fan (and he don’t play for da Bears!)
The list goes on and on, but those touch on some of the highlights concerning just how different we are; and the most amazing thing to me is that with all those (important) differences in who we are, that YOU could possibly like – and understand someone like ME…and for that, I will forever be grateful. I’ve attempted to learn from you, and have strived over the past few years to be a better person (like you) and I hope it is working.
HOWEVER…..and there’s always a ‘however’, isn’t there? In one of your postings, you mentioned that you HATE PEPSI, that you are a Coke chick. Now, with everything our friendship has endured over the years, this is one area, Kyra, that I just don’t know if we can overcome. I can’t believe that someone I hold in such high regard, someone who I strive to be more like, someone who is so true to herself…could actually drink that nasty stuff (Coke), for crying out loud! Have you no respect for yourself? Do you truly understand the (present and future) ramifications of your choice in this matter? Make no mistake, this is very serious.
Oh, did I mention that the one thing we DO share – the one thing that we DO have in common? It’s our PASSION…...
….and one of my many passions is PEPSI…..8-10 cans a day of the stuff, to be exact.
So, you see, it is extremely difficult for me to understand how such a warm, wonderful, compassionate, seemingly well educated person such as yourself could even THINK about drinking Coke – and hating PEPSI.
I’ll have to mull this one over for a while to see, if like you do with me (constantly), I can overcome this very large obstacle and understand that all folks have faults and that we should love them anyway and accept who they are in spite of some of the (terrible) choices they make and how they live their life (with Coke drink in hand). Like I mentioned earlier, I AM trying to be more like you in the understanding department. If I can succeed in that, we can still be friends, even though.……"
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Morning person
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The 8th annivesary of my 29th birthday
Typically around New Year's and my birthday, I begin to contemplate the past year. What went well, what didn't. Did I meet the goals I set for myself? If I didn't, why not? Am I any different than I was a year prior? If so, is it for the better, or not so much?
There have been a few years that stood out for me in terms of major resolutions. (I actually hate to call them resolutions because according to my observations, few people actually keep them, so I don't want to set myself up for failure.) I remember one significant "goal" (I actually don't like that word any better than "resolution"... help me out here... What's a good word??) I made, gosh, probably 13 years ago now, when I decided I wanted to be a person who was truthful. Boy, I used to be a people pleaser. (I still am to a certain extent.) I would tell people whatever they wanted to hear because either I wanted them to be proud of me, or I didn't want to hurt their feelings, or I wanted to be accepted... (Wow... I see an interesting parallel between this and the whole community thing. Hmmm....) Whatever the reason was, I told a lot of lies. Stupid, insignificant lies. But they did a lot of damage in the end. So... I vowed to be more truthful. What I learned was that telling the truth wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Nor was anyone really angry with me for being truthful... Kind of an eye-opening experience.
Fast forward 11 years...
Over the course of the last couple of years, I've felt convicted of a few things. I've actually written about this in several past blog entries. The deeper issue was gossip. I hate gossip. But I will admit, I was probably pretty gossipy. I never meant to be. But what I learned was that sometimes when I was caught up in the moment, I'd either jump on the bandwagon when someone else was yapping about things, or out of my own irresponsible emotional reaction, I'd say things I shouldn't. Looking back, I have really said some horrible things about people, most of which was completely undeserving. Thankfully, I think God has been nudging me quite a bit about grace.
I confess that I continue to fail repeatedly. Although, I am much better than I was, I still have a long way to go. I want to be the kind of person who is quick to pray for others, quick to offer grace, quick to love, quick to understand... Basically, I want to love people the way Christ does. This is a pretty tall order. And I am a very fallen person. But I believe in bringing things into the light if I ever want to become the person I want to become; that is, a person who looks a little more like Jesus.
So I ask for your accountability. If you catch me speaking in a gossipy manner, please smack me. And if I walk away or don't participate in gossip, please just accept it. I typically don't share information that someone has shared with me in confidence (although I'm sure there are instances when I have). I think where I fail most is when I am emotionally charged over something or someone. (For example, if I 'm hurt or ticked off about something, or see what I perceive as a major injustice, I can go off. It isn't pretty. Nor is it biblical.)
I like to consider myself a teachable person. I'm going to just ask that, if you know me, help teach me what you have learned. I've always been the kind of person that learns from my own mistakes (after I've made them about a hundred thousand times). I see this in my son. And I want very badly to model what it means to learn from the mistakes of others (not just my own). So consider this an open invitation to offer insights and little (or big) wisdoms that you've learned over the years.
Maybe in another 37 years I'll be much closer to my goal.
I gave birth to Baby Jesus
Little Eden was asked to play Jesus in the Christmas Eve services at our church. She did a great job, too. We didn't swaddle her because I wanted to allow her the room to move - really more for the people sitting near the back so they realized that, wow, that's a real baby! She did 4:00 pm and 11:00 pm services. I was a bit worried about the 11:00 pm service. She had been handled and shuffled all day, hardly without a nap, and by 11:00 pm she was ready to call it a day. I was just praying that the Holy Spirit would come over her and give her a peace and calmness to get through the dance. Sure enough, just as I passed her to the dancer who would hold her for 2 minutes or so, then pass her to another dancer who would dance her all around the stage, and hold her up to the light, etc., she just completely calmed down. She was wide-eyed and interested, but not fussy at all. Beautiful. (I didn't want my child to be the first colicky Jesus...)
I played the DVD for Jeffrey last weekend. Now he thinks his little sister is Baby Jesus. He points to her and says, "That's Baby Jesus." How do you explain to a 2 1/2 year old that it was just pretend? I mean, that'd be awesome, but I highly doubt that God would have ever chosen me to bear His son. I'm just not that holy. Shocking truth, I know.
For my friend Twinkie
One thing in particular gave me an "ah-ha" moment. It was when your mom-in-law passed away, and Joe was grieving... It wasn't that he was grieving for his mother, per se. It was that he was grieving the loss of the hope that he had that she could ever be the mom he needed her to be. The dream of having a mom the he needed was gone. That so struck a chord with me. I finally got it. I finally realized after my whole life thus far, why I was so destroyed by the relationship my mom and I had (up to that point). I kept trying to fit her in a little box. I wanted so badly for her to be what I needed her to be, but never realized that she most likely could never be "that" mom. This was a (long and painful and enlightening) process, but I finally accepted who she is and who she is not. I still have hope (I won't ever let go of hope), but I'm ok with the fact that she, outside of a complete miracle, will never be the mom I want or need.
I can't say that I don't still have wounds from this relationship, but I can say that I'm learning to love her for who she is. And I can easily keep my boundaries. (This drives her crazy... I don't think she knows how to deal with me now that she can't manipulate me. But that's for another post... If ever.) I can find joy in our times together now, as few and far between as those are.
Anyway, thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. I think it saved me a lot of years of useless heartache. You're a good friend to me. We've been through some stuff together - good and bad, personally and professionally. I appreciate you and love you more than you know.
Welcome Home
Lots to cover in a short period of time, but I'll start with this. I'm a little shocked (or maybe not so much) that my last post created quite the stir. I received private emails from several friends who have experienced much the same thing here in Salem (or in Oregon, in general). I figured that we couldn't be alone in feeling this way, but I'm just wondering why isn't anyone talking about this? It's like the forbidden topic. Maybe no one is talking about it because we don't want to cause hurt feelings or feel like we're pointing fingers. (And I suppose now is a good time to say that that is NOT why I wrote that entry. Certainly, I don't want to cause hurt feelings or make anyone feel guilty. Additionally, it isn't that we are completely without friends. Yes, we have friends... My point is simply that "community" is done differently here - and in a way that apparently isn't suited for who we are, in particular.) But I'm just curious how you (if you're one of these people) are dealing with this experience. I mean, if you also feel lonely, excluded, etc. - especially if you've tried to connect - how are you coping? I'd love to get a feel for what you are going through. Sometimes we just need to acknowledge those feelings before we can do anything about it. In some ways it feels as though this is a one-size-fits-all type of place, where, in fact, one size does not fit all. It's just that no one really says anything, so now we have a bunch of disconnected, sad and lonely people running around. It sort of feels like high school in the sense that you have to act a certain way, talk a certain way, live a certain way if you want to gain acceptance into the "popular group." I'll make no apologies for not having any desire whatsoever to be anything other than who I am, and "being popular" doesn't hold the slightest interest for me. It makes me wonder if more people don't also feel this way, but they have caved into the pressure to "be like them". Have you?
So... thank you to those of you who privately and/or publicly acknowledged my last post. I especially want to thank my friend who lovingly goes by Twinkie for the lovely email, and for affirming who I am and confirming that I'm not a complete freak. I remember very well when we first met and we drove each other nuts. But once we learned that we weren't that different, we became pretty darn good friends. Isn't that so often the case? Maybe that's a piece of wisdom we can take with us on this journey; that if you take a little time to get to know a person, maybe you'll find that they are quite lovable just as they are. Personally, I don't want anyone to change just to "fit in." It isn't worth it. Just be who you are, who you truly are; not who you think you should be.
Also, I'd like to acknowledge those of you who told me that my last post made you think. Maybe you agree... maybe you don't... Maybe you didn't know there were people who felt this way... I don't know. Again, I don't write to convict - but I suppose it's good if you feel convicted and motivated to do something about it.
This year is a new opportunity to be welcoming and hospitable. Regardless of how others respond, I will once again offer up our prayer that God would bless our home and make it a place of refuge, joy, acceptance and peace for all who enter in. You are welcome in my home, and I pray that my family and my home will be a blessing to you.