Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Two words for "The List"


That word is hilarious. It came to mind when we got up super early on Sunday morning to pay a visit to this donut shop called Donut Haus. This place got amazing reviews (5 stars across the board), and we were told that they make the best maple bars in the world. Well... being a realist, I wasn't completely convinced. That's an awfully big claim to make and, really, how could you really know that? But, it was motivating on a Sunday morning, so after a family snuggle in bed, we all put some pants on and headed out the door. Once in the car, I realized that Jeffrey's hair was a complete mess. I looked at him and said, "That's quite the bed head you're rockin', kiddo." And then it occurred to me that it was worse than bed head. It was nappy.

And that made us laugh. And, then, of course in true Matkovich form, it spiraled out of control.

Now that I've been writing this, I've forgotten the second word.

Dangit! This ALWAYS happens. I never remember the funny words long enough to get them written down.

Oh, well. So we have one more word for the funny word list.


That's funny.


TJ said...

And I thought you were going to talk about diapers!

Lindsey @ FRESH AIR + FRESH FOOD said...

Nappy? Is that a combo of Happy and Nasty? I can imagine that kind of hair. Love it:-)

Kyra Matkovich said...

Ha! No.... It's like bed head only after a good nap. Nappy head!