Friday, March 27, 2009

The sweetest things

This morning around 3:00 am, I heard through the monitor a soft call, "Mommy...." *pause*, "Mommy..." *pause*...

Usually, I don't get up. Jeffrey is really good about working out whatever is bothering him at night. And I can tell if he's crying because he's scared and lonely, or if for something else that doesn't necessarily require my attention.

But this was different. He hardly uses my name. More out of curiosity I had to go see him.

I opened the door to his room. As the soft light from the office filtered in, I saw him laying quietly on his side with his arm hanging out of his crib. He saw me. I just said gently, "What's going on in here?"

He pointed to the floor and said, "Kee-kee." (That's his name for "binky".) It had fallen to the floor.

I picked it up, placed it in his hand, covered him up with his blanket and pet his head. He fell right back to sleep.

I love these precious moments. He didn't feel the need to cry or scream out... He just knew that I would come if he called to me quietly. I pray I never forget that sweet tone of his voice, "Mommy.... mommy...."

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