Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Plan of attack

My plan of attack for this morning: make a beautiful omelette made with our fresh, local eggs stuffed with fresh spinach, tomatoes and the new monterey jack cheese that was just delivered to my doorstep Tuesday morning. (Man, I love our dairy delivery. Awesome.)

It all started out well.... I got about 75% of the way through my nummy, pack-a-nutritious punch meal when I discovered I forgot the tomatoes, which was what I was really craving.

But at least I still have my 4 shot latte - made with organic 1.5% local milk.....

This is what happens when I get very little sleep and inherit the lovely cold that my baby girl decided to share with me. Sore trote started on Monday... worsened yesterday.... And now this morning I feel like I got run over by a truck. The unfortunate piece to this is I have a TON of stuff to do at work today so I can't afford to spend any time in La-La-Land which is usually the result of lack of sleep + sick. The flip side to that (that is, the fortunate side if you're following along) is that I love my job, so I think I'll find a little paper-pile of inspiration once I walk in my door. That's my hope, anyway.

Plus, I smell fall in the air. The nights are a bit cooler. The wind is a bit chillier. The leaves rustle a bit louder. The air is a bit thinner and delightfully fresh. (Although, keep in mind I'm already at 5000+ feet altitude, so the air is always a bit thinner....)  And the sunrises are more colorful and bright. This always points the way to a beautiful autumn. This will be our first fall spent in Colorado. We've been looking forward to this for three years. I'm already planning the family's wardrobe for pictures, early Saturday morning walks in the park, and my choice of daily scarves for my work days. (Little do they know my love of The Scarf - one of the best inventions in fashion.) Fall is my favorite time of year. I'm blessed to spend this season with my favorite man, my favorite little girl, my favorite little boy, in my favorite place with my favorite friends (minus a few we left behind, but are constantly encouraging to come for a visit **ahem ahem** - clearing of throat, hint hint, nudge nudge, you know who you are).

So, as I enjoy my morning cup of motivation, I have much to look forward to.

There is much to celebrate, much to be grateful for and many reasons to just rest and send a million thanks to the Creator of it all. Thank you, God, for this amazing landscape and the incredible life you've laid out for us.


Michelle said...

Here's what I love about your blog... that when I read it... I hear your voice reading it ... big hugs to you friend. Love ya'!! =) (and the omelette and veggies and milk sound yummy...). And I'm not quite as ready to embrace fall (you know me...the summer girl)... but will do my best to enjoy it when the time comes... =) You got skype???

Kyra Matkovich said...

Yes! Skype is awesome! I even have it at work.... hahahaah (We use it a lot there. Go figure.)

We just found out that Scott is teaching a student whose mom (I think) was an intern for Jane back in the late '90s! Small world!