Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My main men

This is just one of the things that makes me very happy. I absolutely love to see my two favorite men in the whole world snuggle up in the morning. The irony of this is that while they seemingly are alike, you couldn't find two more different personalities. My little Picklebean is the spitting image of his daddy. Same beautiful blue eyes. Same fat heels. Same skinny legs. Same rockin' abs. (Ok... this is a stretch.) Same kissable lips. Same smile that lights up my world.

And yet, they are nothing alike in terms of their personalities. Jeffrey actually is just like me. This is Scott's worst nightmare. Two of us. In the same house. He calls this "The Battle of the Wills". (Sadly, I use this to my advantage quite a bit, and I've had to really pray against manipulating Jeffrey. Cuz, see, I know what makes him tick cuz I've had 37 years of practice on myself.)

Scott is so NOT a morning person. He's tried to be... I give him a very strong B for effort. But the truth is, Scott will NEVER be a morning person. No matter how hard he tries, it just ain't gonna happen. Jeffrey, on the other hand, is the quintessential morning person. He is ridiculously happy from the second he even thinks of opening his eyes. It's precious. There are few things more lovely than seeing my babies' smiles first thing in the morning. It can even make a grumpy daddy smile at the crack of dawn. THAT is a pretty big accomplishment!

And yet here they are. So alike and so different. I loves these two to pieces.

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